Vice-rector for academic and scientific work

Kulanova Sandugash Sharybekovna

Vice-rector for academic and scientific work,

Candidate of philological Sciences, senior lecturer


She was born in 1978 in the South Kazakhstan region.

In 1995 she entered the international Kazakh-Turkish University named after H. A. Yassuai on the specialty "Kazakh language and literature in schools with non-Kazakh language of study". She graduated with honors in 1999 from the South Kazakhstan state University named After M. Auezov in the same specialty. 

From 2000, she began working as a teacher of Kazakh language and literature in the technological Lyceum at the South Kazakhstan state University named After M. Auezov.

From 2003 to 2007 she worked as a teacher of Kazakh language and literature in Shymkent branch of the University "Kainar". Since 2007 to the present day she has worked as a teacher of Shymkent University. 

From 2009, she worked as a methodologist of the educational Department of the same University, and from 2011, as a head of the educational part. In connection with internal reorganization, starting from 2013, she worked as the head of the educational process organization and control Department of this University.    

Since September 2019, she has been a Vice-rector of Shymkent University for academic and educational work.

In 2010 she defended her thesis for the degree of candidate of philological Sciences in the specialty 10.01.02.– Kazakh literature. The theme of the dissertation is "National idea and the world of heroes in M. Baigut's prose".

She has been a participant of international and Republican scientific and practical conferences and an author of more than 25 articles.

For a short educational work, she has been awarded numerous diplomas and a medal.

In 2016,  she received a letter of thanks "for a great contribution to the development of the education system of Kazakhstan" from E. Sagadiev, the Minister of education and science of Kazakhstan. 

Kulanova Sandugash Sharybekovna has a great reputation among colleagues and the scientific society with her professional skills, managerial competence.


Мекен-жайы: Шымкент қаласы,
Қаратау ауданы, Тассай шағын ауданы,
Жібек жолы көшесі, жер телімі №6
Тел.: 8(7252) 55-58-61

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