Composition of the Academic Council for the 2019-2020 academic year

The Scientific Council of the University of Shymkent as the elective body is the general manager of the university and is one of the forms of collegial management of the university.

The Scientific Council is guided by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, typical provisions of the Academic Council of the University (Order No. 574 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 22.11.07).

Meetings of the Academic Council are held at least once a month in accordance with the work plan approved in the corresponding academic year.

The objectives of the Academic Council are: to develop priorities and principles of university development, to develop a legislative framework for qualitative preparation of graduates, to preserve and increase the qualifications of the material resources and staff, effective staffing.

The competence of the Academic Council is as follows:

  • approval of the university structure;
  • making amendments and additions to the University Charter;
  • Creation, reorganization and dissemination of educational and scientific divisions of the University (laboratories, chairs, faculties (institutes), etc.);
  • define the concept of university development;
  • Decision-making on all key issues of the University's educational, research and economic activities;
  • Listening to the annual reports of the rector, vice rectors, heads of structural subdivisions on all forms and methods of educational, research, educational, economic, information and international activities;
  • Consideration and publication of textbooks, manuals and teaching aids;
  • Making decision to transfer students from the paid department to the rector grant and tuition fees for a discounted education;
  • approval of the topic and supervisors of the undergraduates on the dissertation research - consultants;
  • organization of financial and economic activities of the university;
  • Approval and award of scientific and honorable titles, nominal scholarships and bonuses;
  • Considering the issue of providing university staff, creative teams with government awards and honorary titles;
  • Considering other issues of current activity of the University requiring a collegial decision.


Shymkent University for the 2019-2020 academic year

Composition of the Academic Council


Chairman of the Academic Council

1 Seitkulov NA Rector, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor

Members of the Academic Council

2 Kulanova S.Sh. Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Ph.D.

3 Utenov М.А. Vice Rector for Social and Educational Affairs

4 Escendirov Sh.Z. Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor

5 Каldibaev А.К. Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

6 Isaeva А.У. Director of the Institute of Ecology and Biology, Doctor of Biological Science, Professor

7 Dzhanabayeva D.Zh. Head of Educational Process Organization and Monitoring Department

8 Zhamalova ZK Head of Personnel Department

9 Biturсин SS Director of Science and International Relations Department, PhD (RgD)

10 Kerimbekova А.А. Dean of the Faculty of "Humanities and Education", Ph.D.

11 Sabdalina А.К. Senior Lecturer, Department of Economics and Accounting, Ph.D.

Sadykbekova А.А. Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Cand.Econ.Sci.

13 Konarbaev Zh.O. Head of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports, Associate Professor

14 Jumadullaeva А.I. Head of the Department "Natural Science", Cand.Tech.Sci.

15 Sergazieva М.R. Head of the Department "Finance and Law", Ph.D.

16 Bektayeva N. Head of the Department "Pedagogy", a senior lecturer

17 Eralieva GJ Head of the Department of History of Kazakhstan and General Education Disciplines, Senior Lecturer

18 Mambetova LM Head of educational and methodical department, Candidate of agricultural sciences

19 Alpysbai Ainur Aldongasovna - 1st year student of the specialty "Mathematics"

20 Tokhtururat Bagzhan Umbetovna 2 year student of foreign language: two foreign languages

21 Belgibaeva G.А. Scientific Secretary, Master, Senior Lecturer


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