The rights


Academic policy

Rules for the development of educational programs  based on the principles  of modular training in the Shymkent University.

Translation rules and restoration of students in the Shymkent University.

Policy  internal quality assurance  of education

Rules for the implementation of thesis

Rules  of  activity of  Shymkent University

Rules of organization  and implementation of educational  and methodical work at the Shymkent University

Rules of activity academic Board of the Shymkent University

Rules of competitive replacement of positions of the professional and teaching staff and research  workers of Shymkent University

The internal  regulations of the Shymkent University

The rules of activities of educational –methodical council of the Shymkent University

Rules of organization of educational process on remote educational technologies in Shymkent University

Requirements to the internet resources of the Shymkent University

Rules of organization of  educational process on credit  technology  of training  in the Shymkent University

The  rules  of sabbatical leave  students  in the Shymkent University

Rules of reception  of training on educational  programs  of higher  education in the Shymkent University

Rules of reception  of training  on educational  programms  of postgraduate  education  at the Shymkent University

Rules  of  carrying  out final attestation of students at the Shymkent University 


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Қаратау ауданы, Тассай шағын ауданы,
Жібек жолы көшесі, жер телімі №6
Тел.: 8(7252) 55-58-61

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