Council of young scientists of students

Young scientists Council

    The participation of young in research and innovation process is one of the important issues of the day. In this regard,the University established the Council of young scientists.

   Young scientists are teachers , postgraduates ,research workers, undergraduates, job seekers aged 35 years.

   The activities of the Council aimed at assisting the development of initiatives and creativity of young scientists.

   The Council operates on the principle of openness and voluntariness.

  1. Support the endeavours of talented young people , assistance in introduction of results of scientific-technical creativity and perspective studies;
  2. The Association of young scientists of the University ,to show their interest, support their activities in the research process;
  3. The establishment of creative contacts between associations of young scientists;
  4. The exchange of experience and information by conducting the publication of materials,seminars, conferences and symposia;
  5. The claim and the dissemination of best practices and scientific and technical achievements of young scientists ;
  6. Organization of participation of young scientists in grant competitions of the development of scientific and engineering research through the non-budget fund of the University aimed at implementation of the degree of the government of Kazakhstan “On industrial –innovative development strategy”


Мекен-жайы: Шымкент қаласы,
Қаратау ауданы, Тассай шағын ауданы,
Жібек жолы көшесі, жер телімі №6
Тел.: 8(7252) 55-58-61

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