Scientific publications of Prof. Tead. Staff

Scientific publications of the professional –teaching staff of the Shymkent University

     The research process in the Shymkent University is carried out continuously. For this purpose, organized   ‘’Scientific Department’’. In addition, there are 3 research  institutes, the Council of young scientists and scientific groups.

     The main direction of scientific activity of the University, which was designated in 2012 as ‘’Innovative technologies of training of highly professional and competitive specialists in the conditions of accession of Kazakhstan  into the world  educational space’’, brings together all the thematic plans of scientific researches  of departments of the University.

     According to article 23 of law of RK ‘’on Science’’, 2012,26 University teachers have been accredited by the MES as a subject of scientific and technological activities and received  the relevant  identification and however, received  the right  to participate in  public grant research innovative patents of RK.

     The University operates Council of  young  scientists. The work   of the Council covers 7 main areas; sociology, teaching, scientific research, educational, social political, international  relations  and development.

     In the period 2011-2016 of the University teaching staff has published 23 monograps,40 teaching AIDS,23 text-book, also published  1400 research articles in scientific conferences.


Мекен-жайы: Шымкент қаласы,
Қаратау ауданы, Тассай шағын ауданы,
Жібек жолы көшесі, жер телімі №6
Тел.: 8(7252) 55-58-61

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