Themes of scientific

The  main  directions  and themes  of research  works

1. Problems of codification of the criminal –procedural, civil and civil –procedure, administrative and  labor  legislation in the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2. The study of actual problems  of history of Kazakhstan, economic   geography  and tourism and recreation resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

3. Actual problems of the study   and teaching of language  and literature;

4.Classification  of the cultural heritage of the Turkic people;

5.Development of algorithms and programs, artificial intelligence based on language  PROLOG;

6. The study  of solutions  to fundamental and applied scientific  problems  of natural sciences in the conditions  of arid  climate  of Southern Kazakhstan;

7. Selection and study  of the chemical composition of plant feed a variety  of climatic zones in the Southern Kazakhstan region;

8. The development  of methods  in increase  energy and protein nutritional value of diets by improving structure  of  feeding   with the aim of increasing  the meat  productivity  of coarse  wooled breeds of shhep.

9. The research  of the ecological  state  of water  sources, SKR,;

  1. The development  of a biological   product  of complex  action  against  pests and pathogens of Southern Kazakhstan’s  dendroflora;

11. Development of technology  of  cultivation of scorzonerstausagys  in terms  of plain  agriculture;

12.Social – economical problems development of regional systems.


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