Economic faculty strictly follows the principles of guality and flexibility of education.Answering the guestions of the labour market prepares competetive young professionals 2 undergraduate majors and graduate programs in Economics accounting and auditing

5B050600  -Economy

5B050800-Accounting and auditing


6M05080Accounting and auditing

About specialties

5B050600-Economy(specialization industrial  Economics labor Economics).Graduates are awarded the academic degree bachelor of Economics and business.Bachelor of Economics and business may take the position of economist specialist analyst.The person who received the degree of bachelor of Economics and business have all the necessary knowledge and skills for skilled work as middle managers management system and can subseguently by used in various management positions.

5B050800-Accounting and auditing(specialization Accounting and auditing in the real sector of the economy statistics).Specialist of the given direction operates in the sphere of management of economy and production basic accounting audit and economic analysis strategic and tactical management able to develop business plans,analyze financial and accounting statements of the economic entity.

At the faculty we teach exactly those subjects which really need you in your professionalllife.Along with the obligatory,You can listen to and courses to choose from.

The  Economics faculty provides computer  laboratories,  language  labarotaries, a library equipped with books, contemporary  periodicals, and  audiovisual  materials, Internet-room, a rich-library  with  reading  room.

   The Economics faculty  is constantly  expanding its international  cotacts  with universities  of  near  and far abroad, as well as leading teachers-practitioners read unique courses in our department. To enhance international  cooperation in  scince and education concluded  the contract on joint  work with Universities  near  and far abroad such as the  University <<GEDIZ>> in Izmur(Turkey).

“Moscow interational higher business school (MIRBIS)”,

“Moscow  Institute  of steel and alloys(MISIS), “Moscow  financial-indusrial  University (MFIU)”, Omsk state University named after F.M.Dostaevskogo (OMSU)” “Omsk regional  Institute”.

   “Kyrgyz economic University named after  M.Riskulbekov (KEU)” and others.

     Faculty, graduate  students undertake research  training  and  refresher courses  increasing the professional level of  academic mobility in the  leading universities  of the CIS  countries. Our University trains highly skiUed specialists, leaders of industrial and business spheres.

    Our graduates  are in demand  on the labour  market. Eeach year , more than 80% of  graduates are employed  in leading  organizations in the  region , the  enter-prises of small and medium-sized business,  public  institutions , etc. 90% of  graduates-magisters are  working in senior  positions of the departments of  state income , economy  and  budged planning , health, etc.


The history of the faculty 

The history of the faculty counts from the 2001 of  receipt of the Shymkent University, State licence without restriction for educational activity (series AA№0000175) issue by the Committee for control in education and science Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

In the regulation on structural subdivision the Department established the status , purpose , structure , main functions and tasks of the division , powers , responsibilities and rights , interaction with other departments.

In the job descriptions of faculty members identifield qualification requirements , duties , rights and responsibilities of the employee assigned to the post.

According to the Appendix to the state licence №0137423 series AB , issued by the Committee for control in education and science MES of RK dated 03 February 2010 , the faculty provides training in the 4 groups of specialties ( directions) : 13 Bachelor’s and 3 master’s degree program .


The list of specialties of a bachelor degree issued by the faculty

Specialty code

The name of the specialty


Pedagogy and methodology of elementary education


Pedagogy and psychology


Music education


Fine art


Physical culture and sport












Computer hardware and software




Professional education


A list of the graduates produced by faculty

Specialty code

The name of the speciality


Pedagogy and psychology





The faculty provides training in 13 specialties of a bachelor degree and 3 master degree programfor educational institutions state and local governments production companies national companies banking system and research centres.

      The collective of the faculty has a sufficiently high creative and scientific –methodical potential responsibility dedication to the profession and the University.The teaching staff consists of highly gualitied professionals and the scientists-doctors and candidates of sciences.Currently the faculty follows the strategy and Mission of the University`s development priority which is the formation of the University of innovate type focused on the creation of an academic environment in which the training of specialist of new generation profile competences and gualifications which allow them to be competetive meet all the reguirements of the labour market.


Мекен-жайы: Шымкент қаласы,
Қаратау ауданы, Тассай шағын ауданы,
Жібек жолы көшесі, жер телімі №6
Тел.: 8(7252) 55-58-61

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