The scientific department of the Shymkent University was created to solve problems related to the research work of faculty and the development of international partnership.
       Mission: increase of personnel potential - highly qualified specialists competitive in the domestic and international field of science.

        Purpose: Transformation of a classical university into a high-class research university.

       The main directions of the scientific department:

  • Development and improvement of the quality of research and innovation activities;
    • Expansion of international cooperation;
    • Improving the efficiency of financial and economic activities, through the creation of a business incubator;
    • Organization of university, republican, international scientific conferences, symposia and seminars.

The department office of the registrar

For registration of students  for academic discipline, records of credits earned by, the organization's interim certification  and maintenance of all history of educational achievements of students in the  University  operates the office of the registrar.

Office  of the registrar, which is the main structural unit of the University service, which is engaged in registration of all history of educational  achievements of students throughout  their period of study and are in direct subordination  of the dean  of academic  affairs.

Office of the registrar  works closely  with the departments, the control of the organization  and monitoring  of the educational  process. It is  headed  by the head of the office of the registrar.

Office  of the  registrar  performs  the following functions:

- registration of students  for academic  discipline;

- formation of academic  groups  and streams;

- keeps  statistics on students;

- registers in the prescribed manner individual education plans of the students;

- organizes and conducts interim and final assessment on students;

- calculate academic rankings of students;

- keeps  a record of credits earned by students during the period training for the entire training  period;
- issuing transcripts for students;

- organizing academic mobility;

- creates  and regularly updates  a database;

 Office  of  the registrar   operates  in contact with other training units  and coordinates  the work of faculties and departments  of educational  with students engaged  in the organization  and control of educational  process   in accordance with the working  curricula, programms  and other educational methodological  documents.

The  office  of the registrer:

-organizes  the process  of registration and re-re -gistration  for academic  cources;

- manages the system confirmation  of entry to the discipline and fixing of failures;

- prepares and coordinates  the lists of students;

- assists  in the preparation  of individual educational  plans for students  and monitors their implementation  through  the Institute of advisors.

- prepares  orders  for transfer, sabbatical  relearning, deduction  and restoration  of students;

- forms personal  affairs of the student  intake;

- leads the annual  calculation  of the average  grade GPA;

- analyzes and makes statistical reporting.

Individual  educational  plans and registration of students  on disciplines

Office  of the registrar, in accordance  with the established  schedule, performs the registration  of  students on disciplines (Annex)  and forms  their  individual educational  plans.

preparation of Individual curriculum

Individual education plans (IEP)  students  composed  their own  using advisors on the basis of the model  curriculum  of the elective  catalogo discipline. It  is made  for the entire period of study. Before each academic year  produced  the adjustment by additional registration.

  On the basis  of  IEP the office of the registrar  forms the academic groups  and   streams, and in case  failure  enrolled  in a particular  discipline, according  to students  on the necessity  of amending individual  educational plan. At after the formation of IEP  the registrar is in control  of the organization. The educational process and monitoring  information about the academic  groups and streams  for scheduling.

The procedure  of registration  of students on discipline

Each  student is registered in the office of the registrar. For the office registrar sets the date and time of registration. Students  of the first year students begin the registration  process after conducting  them professional and academic orientation, which is held  in established  by the faculty time with the purpose  of clasifications  of the principles  of the credit  system training  and prospects for future  professional activity.

The selection  of subjects  of the first year of the course ends August  25, the second and the subsequent courses two weeks prior  to the end of the previous course.

Failure to register  for the selected courses can only take place within 10 days the beginning of semester.

- Acces to registration will get only those students who  have  successfully  studied discipline of the previous semester and obtained the required number of credits and GPA.

The registration algorithm comprises:

-definition  of adviser;

- visit the presentation electioneer disciplines conducted  by tutors  under the leadership of heads  of departpents;

- consulation advisor  (discussion of optional disciplines);

- terms of rejection of the chosen discipline;

- feeling the registration  forms, indication the required and elective courses;


Registration procedure for the  summer semester summer semester. Depending on the continget students. Information summer term  is organized  for the elemination  of academic  debt or diferences in the curriculum students, but also to meet the needs in additional training.

The duration of the summer term is not less 6 weeks. Academic calendar summer term is set annually depending on the contingent students. Information about the beginning of the summer term may be obtained in the office registrar not earlier than 1 May.

To registration for the summer term allowed students w ho paid tution in summer term.


Academic policy

Rules for the development of educational programs  based on the principles  of modular training in the Shymkent University.

Translation rules and restoration of students in the Shymkent University.

Policy  internal quality assurance  of education

Rules for the implementation of thesis

Rules  of  activity of  Shymkent University

Rules of organization  and implementation of educational  and methodical work at the Shymkent University

Rules of activity academic Board of the Shymkent University

Rules of competitive replacement of positions of the professional and teaching staff and research  workers of Shymkent University

The internal  regulations of the Shymkent University

The rules of activities of educational –methodical council of the Shymkent University

Rules of organization of educational process on remote educational technologies in Shymkent University

Requirements to the internet resources of the Shymkent University

Rules of organization of  educational process on credit  technology  of training  in the Shymkent University

The  rules  of sabbatical leave  students  in the Shymkent University

Rules of reception  of training on educational  programs  of higher  education in the Shymkent University

Rules of reception  of training  on educational  programms  of postgraduate  education  at the Shymkent University

Rules  of  carrying  out final attestation of students at the Shymkent University 

Normative –legal acts

Reference – guide student

Internal regulations

Regulation of advisors and tutor at the Shymkent University

The regulations on the attestation  of the teaching  staff  of  the  Shymkent University.

The code  of  honor  student  University  of  Shymkent.

Manual on the  promotion of employees of  Shymkent  University.

Qualifying  characteristics of posts of teachers of  Shymkent  University  and persons  equated  to them .

Guidelines for the development  of educational  and  methodical  complexes of disciplines  and specialities  of  higher and postgraduate education.

The provision on professional practice in the ShymkentUniversity.on the department

The regulation on the department of Shymkent University

The regulation  on material  incentives for the teaching staff and basic criteria for  materials  stimulation of workers of  Shymkent  University.

The regulation on the procedure of development  andapproval of job  descriptions in Shymkent  University.

The provision of discounts (benefits) for the payment for study  tuition to students of the Shymkent University

The regulations  on the rector of  Shymkent  University 

The provision on the faculty of shymkent University 

The statue of the office of the registrar ofShymkent  University

Regulation of advisors and tutor at the Shymkent University

The learning process

The catalog of elective disciplines
Methodical  recommendations  for independent  work of students (IWS) independent work of students with the teacher (IWST)

Methodical  recommendations about carrying   out of open lessons

A sample of the curriculum

The list of sudjects proposed by the employers

Magistracy  professions

6M010300 –Pedagogy  and psychology

6M10900 – Math

6M011700 – Kazakh language and literature

6M050600- Economy

6M050600 –Accounting  and auditing

6M060200 – Informatics

Bachelor professions


5B010200 –Pedagogics and methods of teaching primary

5B010300 –Pedagogy and psychology

5B010600 –Music education

5B010700- Drawing and fine art

5B010800 –Physical  training and sport

5B010900 – Math

5B011100 – Informatics

5B011200 – Chemistry

5B011300 –Biology

5B011400 – History

5B011600 – Geography

5B011700- Kazakh language and literature

5B011800- Russian language and literature

5B011900 – Foreign language:two foreign language

5B012100 – Kazakh language and literature in schools the learners of the Kazakh language 

5B030100 – Jurisprudence

5B050100 –Sociology

5B 050600- Economy

5B050800-Accounting and auditing

5B050900 – Finance

5B060700- Biology

5B070400 – Computer hardware and software

5B080100- Agronomy 


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