The history of the faculty

The history of Humanitarian law counts from the 2001 of receipt from the SHymkentUniversity.State license without restriction for educational activity (series AA №0000175)issue by the Committee for control in education and science Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

In the regulation on structural subdivision the department established the status ,purpose, structure, main functions and tasks of the division, powers,responsibilities and rights, interaction with other departments.

In the job descriptions of faculty members identified qualification requirements,duties,rights and responsibilities of the employee assigned to the post.

According to the Appendix to the State licence №0137423 series AB issued by the Committee for control in education and science MES of RK dated 03 February 2010,the faculty provides  training in the 3 groups of specialities (directions) 9 bachelor’s and 1 master’s degree program.


The list of specialties of a bachelor degree produced by Humanitarian-law  faculty

Specialty code

The name of the specialty

a group of specialties  «Education»









Kazakh language and literature



Russian language and literature



Foreign language:two foreign language



Kazakh language and literature is schools with non-kazakh language learning a group of specialties “Law”

a group specialties «Jurisprudence»




a group specialties «Social sciences economics and business»








A list of the graduates produced by Humanitarian-law faculty

Specialty code

The name of the specialty

The name of the specialty a group of specialties “Education”



Kazakh language and literature


The faculty provides training in 9 specialties of a bachelor degree and 1 master’s degree program for educational institutions state and local governments,productioncompanies,banking system and research centres.

The collective of the faculty has a sufficiently high creative and scientific-methodical potential,responsibility,dedication to the profession and the University.

The teaching staff consists of highly qualified professionals and scientists-doctors and candidates of Sciences.These include doctors of economic Sciences Kupeshova S.K, Praliev G.S, doctors of philological sciences BakhadinovaS,Kerimbaeva E.A, Akindikova E.B, Nurlybaev N.M, Kulanova S.SH, Janysbekova A , BaikabulovaH.S,Abdykhanov A.J, Nugmanov K.M, YuldashevF.Y,and others.

Currently,the faculty follows the strategy and Mission of the University’s development priority which is the formation of the University of innovative type,focused on the creation of an academic environment in which the training of specialist of new generation, profile, competences and qualifications which allow them to be competitive meet all the requirements of the labour market.






Agreement and memorandums  on scientific cooperation

1.Aachen University (Germany)

2. Scientific- consulting company of Expedici Ink (USA California)

3.Coventry University

4.Siberian Institute of continuous further education

5. Educational institute Federation of trade unions(Belarus)

6. Gediz  University

7. Kyrgyz state University named after I. Arabaev (The Kyrgyz Republic)

8.Kyrgyz state economical University named after M.Ryskulbekov (The Kyrgyz Republic) 

9.Moscow international business school MIRBIS (Moscow)

10. Uzbek research Institute of pedagogical Sciences named after Kari -Niyazi

11. Sochi Institute or fashion, business and law (Russian Federation)

12.Bishkek  Humanities University named after K.Karasaev (Kyrgyz Republik)

13.Khujand state University named after academician  BabajanGafurov (Uzbekiston) 

14.Tashkent regional pedagogical Institute(UZbekiston)

15.Hannover University (Cermany)

The  main  directions  and themes  of research  works

1. Problems of codification of the criminal –procedural, civil and civil –procedure, administrative and  labor  legislation in the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2. The study of actual problems  of history of Kazakhstan, economic   geography  and tourism and recreation resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

3. Actual problems of the study   and teaching of language  and literature;

4.Classification  of the cultural heritage of the Turkic people;

5.Development of algorithms and programs, artificial intelligence based on language  PROLOG;

6. The study  of solutions  to fundamental and applied scientific  problems  of natural sciences in the conditions  of arid  climate  of Southern Kazakhstan;

7. Selection and study  of the chemical composition of plant feed a variety  of climatic zones in the Southern Kazakhstan region;

8. The development  of methods  in increase  energy and protein nutritional value of diets by improving structure  of  feeding   with the aim of increasing  the meat  productivity  of coarse  wooled breeds of shhep.

9. The research  of the ecological  state  of water  sources, SKR,;

  1. The development  of a biological   product  of complex  action  against  pests and pathogens of Southern Kazakhstan’s  dendroflora;

11. Development of technology  of  cultivation of scorzonerstausagys  in terms  of plain  agriculture;

12.Social – economical problems development of regional systems.

Scientific publications of the professional –teaching staff of the Shymkent University

     The research process in the Shymkent University is carried out continuously. For this purpose, organized   ‘’Scientific Department’’. In addition, there are 3 research  institutes, the Council of young scientists and scientific groups.

     The main direction of scientific activity of the University, which was designated in 2012 as ‘’Innovative technologies of training of highly professional and competitive specialists in the conditions of accession of Kazakhstan  into the world  educational space’’, brings together all the thematic plans of scientific researches  of departments of the University.

     According to article 23 of law of RK ‘’on Science’’, 2012,26 University teachers have been accredited by the MES as a subject of scientific and technological activities and received  the relevant  identification and however, received  the right  to participate in  public grant research innovative patents of RK.

     The University operates Council of  young  scientists. The work   of the Council covers 7 main areas; sociology, teaching, scientific research, educational, social political, international  relations  and development.

     In the period 2011-2016 of the University teaching staff has published 23 monograps,40 teaching AIDS,23 text-book, also published  1400 research articles in scientific conferences.

Young scientists Council

    The participation of young in research and innovation process is one of the important issues of the day. In this regard,the University established the Council of young scientists.

   Young scientists are teachers , postgraduates ,research workers, undergraduates, job seekers aged 35 years.

   The activities of the Council aimed at assisting the development of initiatives and creativity of young scientists.

   The Council operates on the principle of openness and voluntariness.

  1. Support the endeavours of talented young people , assistance in introduction of results of scientific-technical creativity and perspective studies;
  2. The Association of young scientists of the University ,to show their interest, support their activities in the research process;
  3. The establishment of creative contacts between associations of young scientists;
  4. The exchange of experience and information by conducting the publication of materials,seminars, conferences and symposia;
  5. The claim and the dissemination of best practices and scientific and technical achievements of young scientists ;
  6. Organization of participation of young scientists in grant competitions of the development of scientific and engineering research through the non-budget fund of the University aimed at implementation of the degree of the government of Kazakhstan “On industrial –innovative development strategy”


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