Department of Business and Management

Abilkasym Ainur Bugybaykyzy

Head of the department

K. e. Sc., senior lecturer

Phone: 87027104780

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Professional experience -23 years.

Education – 23 years

Scientific interests -Activation of entrepreneurship is the driving force for the development of the economy of the new Kazakhstan.

Disciplines taught – Fundamentals of accounting and auditing, Accounting and auditing in banks, Accounting and auditing in construction

Since 2022 he has been working at Shymkent University.

From 2000 to 2021, she worked as head of the department, dean of the faculty, and vice-rector for scientific affairs at the Central Asian Innovation University. She has written 105 scientific works, of which 1 is a monograph, 10 are textbooks, 10 are in publications recommended by the Committee, 3 are in journals included in the Scopus Indexed Journals database, the rest of the works were published in domestic and foreign publications and at international conferences.

About the department

Department "Business and management" originates from the formation of the University in 2001. Currently the department "Business and management» teaches students in 4 undergraduate educational programs and 2 graduate educational programs. All educational programs of the department are successfully accredited. At the department "Business and management» 6 Doctors of Science, 19 Candidates of Science and Masters of Pedagogical Sciences are working to train specialists.

Goals of the department

Fulfilling the development trends of the country's economy, the requirements of the modern consumer market and labor market for the quality of personnel training, the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities, the formation of individual, professional, universal competencies in the field of economics, finance, accounting and auditing, as well as taking a leading position in the training of educated , qualified personnel. Training of experienced specialists for the labor market in the southern region of the republic.

Objectives of the department

  • updating the content of educational programs in the context of global trends (wide development of the trilingual education model, introduction of information and communication technologies in educational activities, development of academic mobility for both teaching staff and students, entrepreneurial education, adjustment of educational programs in accordance with the priorities of updating the country's economy );

  • development of human resources (increasing the level of professional qualifications of scientific and pedagogical workers of the department; rejuvenation of the composition of scientific and pedagogical workers of the department; increasing the number of foreign students entering educational programs of the department;

  • training competitive personnel in accordance with the needs of the labor market, taking into account the specifics, as well as on the basis of competencies defined within the framework of national qualifications and professional standards;

  • strengthening international cooperation, integration of the department into the scientific and innovation space; improving the quality of experiments and practical training at the production base through increasing the responsibility and interest of heads of government agencies, production enterprises, and social institutions;

  • Development and implementation of MOOCs (massive open online courses);

  • Implementation of the interdisciplinary principle;

  • conducting joint scientific research by introducing students to science;

  • introduction of innovative technologies that ensure the identification and development of students’ creative potential.


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Teaching staff of the Department of entrepreneurship and management


Quashbai Sattar
Doctor Of Economic Sciences, professor
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Musabekov Kambar
Associate Professor, Doctor Of Economic Sciences
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Sergazieva Madina Rasylkhanovna
Candidate Of Economic Sciences, senior lecturer
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Zhadigerova Gulshat Abdimutalipovna
Candidate Of Economic Sciences, senior lecturer
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Rysbaeva Sattigul Klyshbekovna
master, senior lecturer
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Arapbaeva Zhazira Shalkarbaevna
master, senior lecturer
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Saparbaeva Saule Abtikhaimovna
master, senior lecturer
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Baidauletova Gulnur Omarovna
master, senior lecturer
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Tanabaeva Gulnaz Tulebaevna
master, senior lecturer
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Tengebayeva Gulshat Temiralievna
Master's degree, senior lecturer
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Ermakova Saltanat Umirbayeva
Teacher, Master's degree
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Zhumanov Alimbek Muminbekovich
Doctor of Economics Senior Lecturer
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Baitugelov Omar Baitugelovich
Associate Professor, Doctor Of Economic Sciences
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Sadykbekova Aizharkyn Abdrazakkyzy
Candidate Of Economic Sciences, senior lecturer
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Ertaev Ermek Zhakhanchaevich
Candidate Of Economic Sciences, senior lecturer
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Moldalieva Raushan Nurlanovna
master, senior lecturer
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Satybaldina Ainakul Umiralinovna
master, senior lecturer
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Turabaeva Gulraikhan Kalykulkyzy
master, senior lecturer
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Tursynkulova Zamzagul Mirkhaidarovna
master, senior lecturer
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Akhmetov Alisher Abayuly
master, senior lecturer
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Sherin Galymzhan Saparbayev
master, senior lecturer
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Kerimbekova Akerke Adilovna
Teacher, Master's degree
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Sabdalina Anar Kiyalovna
Candidate of Economics, senior lecturer
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Uskenov Mahalbay
Associate Professor, Doctor Of Economic Sciences
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Imanbaev Aliy Asanovich
Candidate Of Economic Sciences, senior lecturer
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Kalykulov Kuatbek Mukhtarbekovich
Associate Professor, Doctor Of Economic Sciences
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Taldakhmetov Bauyrzhan Shardarbekovich
Senior Lecturer
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Asilbekov Dinmukhammed Kalmakhanbetovich
master, senior lecturer
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Mamytbekova Makpal Kabylbekovna
master, senior lecturer
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Orazbayeva Ainur Beysenbaykyzy
master, senior lecturer
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Zhanabaeva Meruert Bolatovna
Senior Lecturer
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Irzakhanov Sunkar Zhumakhanovich
master, senior lecturer
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Narmukhamedova Alima Daniyarbekovna
Senior lecturer, Master
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