Department of Academic Affairs

On academic matters
director of the department
Mambetova Lyazzat Maratovna
- Department of Academic Affairs
- Educational and methodological department of the Department for Academic Affairs
The main tasks of the Department of Academic Affairs:
- organization and management of the educational process of the university based on the credit education system
- constantly improving the educational process, increasing the quality of providing educational services
- implementation and development of creative approach technologies in the educational process
- ensuring the introduction of the latest achievements of science, technology, and innovative technologies into the educational process
- constant development of educational programs of the university for all types of training
- creating conditions for training qualified specialists who are competitive not only in the domestic market, but also in the international labor market
- To provide educational services among the higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, to ensure the leadership position of the university in entering the world educational space
- Development of a credit recalculation system within the higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan and with foreign universities
- coordination of educational and methodological services of the RK classifier in all specialties within the framework of the republican educational and methodological section
- development of distance learning forms along with traditional forms
- integration of science, education and innovation, improvement of the educational process by introducing new scientific and innovative achievements
Internal regulatory documents

Department head
Duisenova Raushan Begaidarovna
The purpose of the department's activity is to ensure the quality of educational activities of Shymkent University based on effective methodological support for the implementation of educational programs. Organization and management of educational and methodological activities of the University
The main tasks of the methodological department:
Functions of the methodological department:
Educational and methodological advice
School of Pedagogical Excellence
The main tasks of the methodological department:
- Formation of a strategy for methodical support of the implementation of the BM and regulation of the EMS.
- Methodological support of the implementation of the PB.
- Analysis of the state and results of methodological work, determination of directions for its improvement.
- To inform the employees involved in the organization of the educational process on the issues of educational and methodological provision of educational services.
- Consultation-explanatory work on the fulfillment of the requirements of the RK MJMBS, the development and testing of training and program documentation, POC, educational and methodological tools and developments, other training tools.
- Planning of publication of OPC educational publications.
- Participation in the organization of exchange of experience on improving the educational process.
- Assistance in conducting and concluding scientific-methodological conferences and seminars organized on the basis of Shymkent University.
Functions of the methodological department:
- Analysis of educational and methodological support of the educational process in all specialties and forms of training implemented by the university.
- Development of rules and methodological recommendations regulating educational and methodological support of the educational process.
- Planning and organizing the work of the OEC.
- Accumulation and distribution of positive experience of the University OPC (organization of holding open, exhibition classes, master classes).
- Analysis and assessment of the work of departments on the organization of educational and methodological support of the educational process and the introduction of new educational technologies into the educational process.
- Preparation of educational and methodological events (EIA meetings, conferences, seminars, contests, exhibitions, etc.).
- In order to improve the organization of methodological support of the educational process, to study the experience of the organization of S&E of other higher education institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan and foreign countries.
- Organization and coordination of methodological work (faculties, departments) according to KOT.
- Organization of examination of textbooks, educational-methodical developments, educational-methodical tools on specialties/BS.
- Control of conducting and participation in open, demonstration and trial training sessions of the OPK.
Educational and methodological advice
School of Pedagogical Excellence