Code of ethics for students and undergraduates

 1.We, the students and undergraduates of the SHU, based on our desire to become worthy citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan, understanding the high social importance of our chosen future profession, feeling our involvement in the formation of a new generation of teachers, lawyers, economists, managers, entrepreneurs, journalists, specialists in the field of informatics, in practical activities Based on the desire to acquire permanent competencies required by a highly qualified specialist, we are committed to complying with the Code and its rules, supporting the traditions of the previous generations of students who gave us a sense of love and respect for the University.

  1. The requirements of this Code are based on generally recognized moral values, as well as traditions and standards of behavior developed during the years of the university's work.
  2. The Code of Ethics aims to:

- establishing ethical norms and relations between students (masters) and university teachers and employees;

​- creating favorable conditions for the educational process, scientific and creative activities, forming an atmosphere of honesty and mutual trust.

  1. Compliance with the ethical norms and rules of this Code of Conduct is mandatory for all students and should contribute to their self-development.
  2. Each student (master's student) is given a copy of this Code. A student (master's student) can introduce proposals for changes and additions to the Code of Ethics.
  3. Administration of the university has the right to review precedents of violation of the Code of Conduct at department meetings and faculty councils and draw appropriate conclusions before applying administrative measures.
  4. A student (master) of SHU is invited to comply with all the provisions of this Code of Conduct from the moment of acquaintance.
  5. Students and graduate students of the State University have the right to:

- subscription and free use of study halls, Internet resources;

- taking a place in the dormitory with the right to use the household services of the dormitory in accordance with the rules approved by the university;

- participation and activity in the social and scientific life of the university;

- speaking with constructive and innovative initiatives aimed at increasing the intellectual potential and social activity of young students;

- in case of a conflict, and in case it is not possible to resolve it by one's own efforts, turn to the group mentor, faculty or university management.

  1. Responsibilities of students and graduate students of SHU:

- timely and high-quality implementation of all types of educational activities provided for in the curriculum;

- take responsibility for studying;

- striving to become a highly qualified specialist in the chosen field;

- active, purposeful, systematic learning of the basics of professional knowledge, business and competence, professional ethics;

- to be guided by the rules of the university, which regulate the main aspects of mutual relations between the university and students;

- not to allow facts of academic disrepute during the performance of educational and scientific work, including copying from Internet resources as a result of one's own work, copying knowledge during control procedures and seeking help from other people, any ready-made educational materials (abstracts, diploma and other works) presentation; using family or professional connections to obtain higher grades; being late and missing classes without reason;

- students are obliged to actively participate in the social and scientific life of the university (work in scientific circles, participate in student conferences, participate in sports sections, artistic and creative associations, cultural mass events held at the university).

  1. Students and graduate students should actively participate in the learning process, because both sides are active in learning - the teacher and the student. A student (master's student) can ask questions about the content of the lesson, but should do so in a way that does not disrupt the course. Replicas from the venue are not allowed.
  2. Mandatory participation in all classroom classes: lectures, seminars, practical classes is a reflection of the personal culture of the student (master's student). A student who misses a lesson must give a reasoned explanation to the teacher and the representative of the dean of the faculty.

Every student (master's student) is obliged to observe order. During the lesson (lecture and seminar), the student (master's student) should not be hindered by conversations and movements that attract the attention of others.

  1. Students and graduate students must arrive before the start of classes. Latecomers will not be admitted to the auditorium.
  2. Cell phones should be turned off during training sessions or put on silent mode in case of emergencies.
  3. Students (master's students) must observe the ethics of interpersonal relations, respect teachers, fellow students, regardless of their nationality, religious belief, attitude, and belief.
  4. A student (master's student) should understand that the exercise of his rights and freedoms should not harm the rights and freedoms of other people.
  5. A student (master's student) should not put his personal interests above the interests of the academic group, but should try to find a reasonable compromise between personal and common interests.
  6. Each student (master's student) should strive to maintain a favorable moral and psychological microclimate in the team, provide the necessary assistance to the head of the team, and consider requests with understanding.
  7. Every student (master's student) should actively participate in the group life outside of classes as much as possible, and be the initiator of interesting and useful free time.
  8. Each student (master's student) should feel personal responsibility for the events that happen in the group, avoid conflicts, have a good relationship with fellow students, and should not deliberately damage their reputation when exchanging opinions in public.
  9. A university student (master's student) should respect the national traditions, customs, educational features and worldview of fellow students, and promote inter-ethnic and inter-confessional harmony.
  10. When entering the auditorium of a university teacher or senior employee, a student (master's student) must stand up and respond to the greeting of the person entering.
  11. During the meeting with university teachers and employees, the student (master's student) should greet warmly and with good wishes.

​23. It is the duty of every student (master's student) to respect the work of the university's service personnel, to behave politely and politely towards those who create conditions for the normal functioning of the university.

  1. It is not allowed to collect, use and distribute information about the personal life of other students (masters) and teachers without their consent.
  2. A university student (master's student) builds relations with others on the basis of justice and observance of moral standards. A student (master's student) should not allow rudeness, indifference, conflict, spreading false information about others, psychological pressure, physical force when resolving conflict situations.
  3. A student (master's student) should know the history of the university, be proud of its achievements, support and develop the traditions of the university, take care of the reputation and honor of his university, and raise its reputation. Each student (master's student) is obliged to remember that he is a representative of the university, therefore, a student (master's student) of the State University should behave in accordance with the high rank.
  4. When entering any building of the university, a student (master's student) must present his/her documents - student card. Do not protest or speak rudely to the security guard.
  5. A student (master's student) must properly represent the university in relations between higher educational institutions, protect its interests, establish relations between higher educational institutions, promote cooperation with public associations of other higher educational institutions on the issues of students' studies, science, creativity and life.
  6. It is strictly forbidden for students (masters) to bring devices, products or things that may endanger health or life in the premises of the university. The student (master's student) must comply with the requirements of safety equipment, fire safety instructions, and remember that smoking is prohibited not only on the territory of the university, but also on its territory.
  7. In classes, students (masters) should dress cleanly and neatly and avoid makeup. It is not allowed to wear sports clothes (except for physical education classes), wearing outerwear and hats.
  8. Students should carefully look at any printed edition of the university library: textbooks, educational materials, fiction, reference literature, newspapers and magazines.
  9. It is not allowed to bring strangers into the university building without the permission of the rectorate, to remove various objects and equipment from the educational and other premises without the permission of the administration.
  10. It is not allowed to eat in auditoriums, corridors and other places except for specially designated premises at the university. In the canteen and buffet, the student must be without outerwear, be polite and polite to others, and observe the rules of self-service.
  11. In case of violation of the provisions of this Code, disciplinary measures may be applied to the student in accordance with the procedure provided by the University Charter and internal regulatory documents.
  12. The code of ethics of the students (masters) of the SHU is intended to provide the necessary guidance in the development of moral and ethical qualities, without which it is impossible to successfully perform the functions of future specialists.
  13. Cultivating the moral skills to adhere to the requirements of this Code during student years will contribute to the formation of the ethical foundations of the activities of future specialists.
  14. Fulfilling the requirements of the code of ethics allows a student (master's student) to increase self-esteem, develop communication skills, and be in harmony with himself and his environment.
  15. Compliance with the code of ethics is a moral duty of every student (master's student) of the university.


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