Mission, vision

The mission: Training of competitive, progressive-minded, highly cultured and tolerant specialists in the modern labor market.

Vision: Shymkent University is a higher educational institution that effectively carries out educational, research and educational activities based on the principles of the Bologna process. Shymkent University sees itself as an innovative center of scientific and educational services, providing technology and knowledge transfer aimed at commercialization of research and development results.

The educational activities of the university are aimed at the generation, accumulation, transfer and dissemination of advanced knowledge and new ideas. For this purpose, the potential of established research institutes, laboratories, integrated educational and scientific structures that are the basis of the educational process is used.

Shymkent University will provide leading positions in the training of specialists for various sectors of the economy and the social sphere, combining the quality of training with the provision of innovative technologies, software, methodological and intellectual resources for the development of economic, moral, and cultural values of society. This will allow the university to use its advantages in training competitive specialists in the labor market with a fundamental university education.

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