Department of Science

Department Director
Akshataeva Zhanna Baibekovna
E-mail: nauka_shuThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The purpose of the department: Coordination and organization of research activities of the university; attracting teaching staff and students to scientific work and systemic integration of education; ensuring the growth of scientific activity.
The main tasks of the Department of Science and International Cooperation:
- improving the quality and relevance of ongoing scientific research;
- introduction of scientific research results into the educational process;
- increasing the publication activity of university faculty and staff in ranking scientific journals with an impact factor indicator;
- attracting structural units, research institutes, teachers and young scientists, university students to participate in research programs;
- organization and participation in international and national conferences, symposiums, exhibitions and meetings on scientific research issues;
- information support on international programs to expand scientific and educational ties through the activities of international organizations and funds for supporting science and education, involving scientists and specialists in academic exchanges, internships and scientific trips, providing methodological assistance for the development of joint research projects and programs;
- organization and coordination of research work of students at the university;
- assistance in preparing official documentation included in competitive applications for participation in research projects, programs, grants;
- carrying out examination of scientific articles, other scientific products and registration of other documentation.
- organizing the activities of structural units to carry out research and scientific-methodological work;
- performing organizational work related to the preparation and conduct of scientific events in which the university takes part;
- development and implementation of new forms of participation of students, undergraduates and young scientists in the research activities of university departments;
- conducting an analysis of the scientific activities of university departments;
- consultations with scientific supervisors and responsible executors of research projects and business agreements on the preparation of current and reporting forms of documentation;
- development of cooperation with scientific departments of higher educational institutions and research institutes, other scientific organizations of foreign countries with the aim of exchanging experience and conducting joint scientific research and other scientific activities.
- timely provision of university teachers, staff and students with information about scientific events held in the Republic of Kazakhstan and abroad.
- monitoring the implementation of orders, instructions, decisions of management, the Academic Council of the university on issues of research activities, departments, teachers, undergraduates and students of the university;
- accounting of the results and products of the university’s research activities, intellectual property objects;
- quality control of documentation submitted to the department on all issues of research activities of the university.
The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Science"
Rules for awarding the title of "Best University teacher"
Rules of grant financing
Internal regulatory documents
Regulations on the Commercialization Office
Regulations on the Department of Science
Regulations on the Council of Young Scientists
Scientific projects