Chair of Law and History

Bijan Nurlan
Head of the Department
Candidate of Law Sciences
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More detailed
Professional experience –
2003-2011 Senior Inspector of the Department for Combating Economic and Corruption Crimes;
2012-2013 Head of the Department of Constitutional and Customs Law of M.Auezov South Kazakhstan State University;
2013-2015 Head of the Department of "Legal Disciplines" of the South Kazakhstan Humanitarian Institute named after M.Saparbayev;
2015-2016 Head of the Department of Law at the International University of Humanities and Technology
Education –
1990 -1995 – Al-Farabi Kazakh State National University; Specialty: Jurisprudence, qualification: lawyer.
2008 - defended his PhD thesis on 12.00.08 criminal law, criminology and Criminal Enforcement Law.
Scientific interests –
More than 254 scientific papers have been published, including 6 monographs, 15 textbooks, 16 in publications recommended by the Committee, 4 in journals included in the ScopusIndexed Journals database, the rest of the works have been published in domestic and foreign publications and at international conferences.
Subjects taught - Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Criminal Procedural Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
About the department
The Department of Law and History originates in the university's education since 2001. Currently, the Department of Law and History teaches students in 5 bachelor's degree programs. All educational programs of the department have been successfully accredited.
The Department of Law and History is staffed with scientific and pedagogical staff, the teaching staff of the department conducts training through the development and introduction of new teaching methods into the educational process using innovative educational methods based on knowledge and scientific potential.
Highly qualified teachers of the department participate in the scientific life of the university, international conferences, scientific projects.
Objectives of the department
Formation of intellectual, scientific, educational and moral needs of the individual, society and the state, training of qualified specialists for professional activity and competitiveness in the labor market, effective use of new modern information technologies in a developing global market.
Tasks of the department
- Implementation of educational, educational, scientific and methodological activities aimed at the comprehensive development of the personality of undergraduate students, mastering their knowledge of the humanities;
- Formation of a culture of philosophical thinking, general cultural and professional competence, providing a high level of social and professional mobility (mobility), a propensity for innovation, the ability of students to realize their opportunities in the context of Kazakhstan's integration into the world community;
- Education of students in the spirit of citizenship and Kazakhstani patriotism, the development of their historical and social memory, respect for the national culture of the Kazakh people and the spiritual heritage of the people of Kazakhstan as a whole;
- Orientation towards the acquisition by students of stable theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the application of Kazakh and international legislation in the educational process.
Teaching staff of the Department of Law and History

Doctor of Law, Professor

Yertaev Mukhametkarim Abdukarimovich
Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor

Associate Professor, PhD

Turgaraev Mukhit Beketovich
Candidate of Law

Master of Law

Yeralieva Gaziza Zharylkasynovna
Master of Historical Sciences

Kamalkhanov Serikhan Karsybaevich
Master of Law

Kadyr Gulnara Tynybekovna
Master of Social Sciences

Master of Historical Sciences

Togyzbayeva Gulzhamila Zhumabekovna
Master of Law

Abdurakhmanov Nurmukhamed Abdushamaevich
Candidate of Historical Sciences

Candidate of Law, Associate Professorт

Candidate of Philological Sciences

Candidate of Historical Sciences

Aitkul Sairan Amantaevna
Master of Law

Master of Law

Karayeva Aybala Ordabekovna
is a senior lecturer

Kozhaniyazov Erbol Imashevich
Master of Law

Palvanova Moldir Zainidullayevna
Master of Law

Turdykulov Galymzhan Sainovich
is a senior lecturer

Candidate of Law, Associate Professor

Abdikhanova Alima Zhangazievna
Candidate of Historical Sciences

Candidate of Historical Sciences

Zharylkapova Gulzagira Parmenbayevna
Master of Law

Yeralieva Gaziza Zharylkasynovna
Master of Historical Sciences

Kadirgalieva Aizhan Tleugalieva
Master of Historical Sciences

Kupbaeva Raykhan Makhmutovna
Master of Historical Sciences

Kultaev Berik Begimkulovich
Master of Historical Sciences

Seydualieva Aigul Nurzadaevna
Master of Historical Sciences

Khavazmetova Dinara Alisherovna
Master of Humanities