Faculty of Pedagogical Sciences

Dauren Zhumagalievich
Dean of the Faculty, PhD
Email: dekanat2050@mail.ru
Goals and objectives of the faculty:
- training of highly qualified masters and bachelors in the main educational programs of higher and postgraduate education assigned to the faculty, taking into account the requirements of all stakeholders - students, employers, society and the state;
- promoting the development of domestic science in relevant areas corresponding to the profile of the faculty, using the results of scientific research in the educational process;
- improvement of teaching methods and scientific research based on innovative and information technologies and the use of the best domestic and foreign practices in the preparation of bachelors and masters in the faculty profile;
- interaction with representatives of academic and industrial science and employers in order to further improve the content of educational programs, areas and results of scientific research;
- ensuring the quality of educational services, involving students and university teachers in building a quality system and constantly improving work results.
The Faculty of Pedagogical Sciences includes three departments: the Department of Philology, the Department of Pedagogy, the Department of Physical Culture and Sports.
The departments train specialists in 9 undergraduate educational programs and 3 graduate educational programs.
Section Department of Philology кнопка
6В01701 Kazakh language and literature
6В01702 Kazakh language and literature in schools where instruction is not conducted in the Kazakh language.
6В01703 Russian language and literature
6В01704 Foreign language: two foreign languages
7М01701 Kazakh language and literature
7М01711 Foreign language: two foreign languages
Section Department of Pedagogy кнопка
6В01101 Pedagogy and psychology
6В01301 Pedagogy and methods of primary education
6В01402 Musical education
6В01403 Art
7М01101 Pedagogy and psychology
Section Department of Physical Culture and Sports кнопка
6В01401 Physical Culture and sport
Section Faculty New: