Department of Natural Sciences


Tlegenova Kulaisha Beisenbaevna


Head of the department

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences

Telephone: 8-702-360-51-99

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More details

Professional experience – 15 years

Education – higher, International Kazakh-Turkish University

Scientific interests – selection, genetics, animal reproduction, production of livestock products, biology

Disciplines taught – Cell biology, Bioresources of Kazakhstan, Achievements of modern biology, Molecular biology, Applied biology, Biology of personality development, Plant physiology, Medicinal plants, Plant diseases and pests

About the department

The Department of Natural Sciences dates back to the formation of the University in 2001. Currently, the Department of Natural Sciences trains students in 4 undergraduate educational programs and 2 graduate educational programs. All educational programs of the department are successfully accredited. At the Department of Natural Sciences, 2 doctors of science, 14 candidates of science, 12 masters of pedagogical and scientific directions work for the training of specialists


Goal of the department

Ensuring a high level of training of highly educated, qualified, competitive specialists in demand in the labor market, capable of working at a highly professional level in the natural sciences and solving pressing problems of our time


Objectives of the department

  • Providing a high level of training for specialists in the field of natural sciences, meeting international standards.
  • Active interaction with leading scientific centers of universities and scientific and educational centers of the Republic of Kazakhstan and abroad.
  • Stimulating students, undergraduates and teaching staff to integrate traditional academic values.
  • Carrying out research work on the profile of the department.
  • Formation of a harmoniously developed personality, training of specialists capable of being leaders, working in a team and operating in a competitive environment.
  • Advanced training, professional retraining of teachers and promotion of successful business careers for graduates.
  • Improving the educational and methodological activities of the teaching staff of the department;
  • Improving teaching technologies in order to develop the creative potential of students’ personalities and their capabilities;

• Promote natural science knowledge among the population.


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Teaching staff of the
Department of Natural Sciences


Aitbayev Nurlan Ergenuli
Candidate of Biological Sciences, senior lecturer

Ashirbayeva Saltanat Bibatrovna
Master, senior lecturer
Iztleyov Gani Moldakulovich
Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Assosiate Professor
Kenesova Akmaral Perdebayevna
Master, senior lecturer
Kistaubayev Ermachan Ibadullayevich
Candidate of Technical Sciences. Assosiate Professor
Mambetova Lazzat Maratovna
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, senior lecturer
Saulembayev Altinbay Tagabayevich
Candidate of Geographic Sciences, senior lecturer
Sipabekov Hurbol Sagindikovich
Master, senior lecturer
Shingisbayev Bachitzhan Malikovich
Candidate of Chemical Sciences, docent
Aralbayeva Raichan Burachanovna
Master, senior lecturer
Zhumadulayeva Alisa Issayevna
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, senior lecturer
Koblanova Ongarkul Nurmachambetkizi
Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Assosiate Professor
Mutaliev Alimshan Mutaliyevich
Candidate of Biological Sciences, Assosiate Professor
Praliyev Kaldibay Dshailauovich
Doctor of Chemical Sciences, professor
Sultanbayeva Gulzhan Kasimchanovna
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, senior lecturer
Tuganbayeva Zaure Seitchalievna
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, senior lecturer
Achinova Ulbike Saulebekovna
Master, senior lecturer
Issayeva Akmaral Umirbekovna
Doctor of Biological Sciences, professor
Sultanova Zholpanai Shumalikizi
Master, senior lecturer
Shimelkova Roza Zhumakilishkizi
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, senior lecturer

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