Department of Mathematics and Informatics


Kobeeva Zagira


Head of the Department

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Phone: 8 702 494 01 06

 Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Degree: PhD, Ph.D., M. Auezova

Modern place of work: Shymkent University, head of the department "Mathematics and Computer Science."

List of disciplines studied:

  1. Multimedia technologies
  2. School course in computer science
  3. Databases and Information Systems

Advanced training:

  1. "Fundamentals of object-oriented programming using an example of a language," Tajik Pedagogical Institute in Penjikent
  2. Center for Continuing and Distance Education of the Khoja Ahmed Yasavi Moscow State Technical University. Certificate No. 05697 "Programming"
  3. non-governmental quality assessment center. Certificate No. NCSC -7.69 information and communication technologies in education.
  4. IT Bilim Training Center, Python Programming Language, Certificate No. 641
  5. "Theory of Algorithms," Shymkent University, Certificate No. 01-2451

6.» Non-standard lessons, "CE, Public Engineering Foundation and PJSC, Certificate No. -019

  1. "Functional Literacy-Key to Quality Education," ARDAHAN UNIVERSITETI, Certificate


About the department

        The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science originates from the formation of the University since 2001. Currently, the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science teaches students in 6 bachelor's degree programs and 2 master's degree programs. All educational programs of the department have been successfully accredited.

       The specialty of Physics and Computer Science was opened in the 2000-2001 academic year. As part of the Department of Natural Sciences. In the 2001-2002 academic year, he entered the newly opened Department of Mathematics and Economics. In the 2002-2012 academic year, an independent department of Physics and Computer Science was established. Over the years, 4 doctors of sciences, 15 candidates of Sciences, 20 masters have worked at the department. Since the 2012-2013 academic year, the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science. In the 2010-2011 academic year, he received an indefinite license for the specialty 6M010900 - Mathematics. During this time, the department supervised the scientific work of 250 undergraduates and awarded a master's degree. The teachers of the department actively supervise and participate in the research work of students.

According to the results of scientific research over the past three years, the Faculty has published 90 scientific articles, prepared and published 20 textbooks; 3 textbooks, 50 methodological guidelines. Currently, the department has 3 doctors of Sciences, 2 PhD doctors, 16 candidates of Sciences, 13 masters.

Scientific direction of the department

The research work of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science is conducted in two different directions:

"Improving the creative abilities of students and applied areas of mathematics"     

Supervisor: Ph.D., Associate Professor Medetbekova R. A.

Development of an algorithm and an artificial intelligence program in the PROLOG language

Head: Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Eskendirov Sh. Z.

Tasks of the department

  • Providing innovative education based on knowledge and scientific potential.
  • Active cooperation with leading universities and scientific and educational centers of the Republic of Kazakhstan and abroad
  • Encouraging students, undergraduates and teaching staff to integrate traditional academic values.
  • Implementation of research work on the profile of the department.
  • Formation of a harmoniously developed personality, training of specialists capable of being leaders, working in a team and acting in a competitive environment.
  • Professional development, professional retraining of teachers and promotion of successful business careers of graduates.
  • improvement of educational and methodological activities of the teaching staff of the department;
  • improvement of learning technologies in order to develop the creative potential of students and their capabilities;
Teaching staff of the Department of Mathematics and Informatics
Қалдыбаев Абдималик 
п.ғ.к., доцент
Шермуханбетова Эльмира Анарбековна
аға оқытушы. ҚР Шеберлер Одағының мүшесі,
ҚР Дизайнерлер Одағының мүшесі
Турдалиев Жандос Қалдыбайұлы
PhD, аға оқытушы
Жантуреева Меруерт Жумахановна
магистр, аға оқытушы
Молдакулова Нургайша Абдикаримовна 
магистр, оқытушы
Әбдімәлік Үміт Нұрғисақызы  
магистр, оқытушы
Балганова Меруерт Сыдыковна
магистр, аға оқытушы
Калымбетова Гулмира Примжановна
аға оқытушы
Медетбекова Рыскуль Ашималиевна
ф-м.ғ.к.,  доцент
Тлеубергенов Марат Идрисович
ф-м.ғ.д.,  профессор
Утебаева Шолпан Керимбаевна
п.ғ.к., аға оқытушы
Даулетов Талгат Шеримханович
магистр, аға оқытушы
Шуланбеков Жандос Беркинбаевич  
аға оқытушы
Тұрлыбай Гүлсінай Сегізбайқызы
магистр, аға оқытушы
Жолбарыс Ерғали Нұрлыбайұлы
магистр, аға оқытушы
Абишева Сулушаш Оразбекқызы
магистр, аға оқытушы
Іляс Арайлым Бақытқызы
магистр, оқытушы
Диқамбай Төлеген Бақытұлы  
магистр, оқытушы
Асанова Анар Тұрмағанбетқызы
ф-м.ғ.д., профессор
Омаров Бегжан Еркебаевич
ҚР мәдениет саласының үздігі, ҚР суретшілер
Одағының мүшесі, аға оқытушы
Сыпатаев Асылбек Жамалбекович
магистр, оқытушы
Керимбаева Кульзинат Заурбековна
магистр, аға  оқытушы
Керимбаева Кульзинат Заурбековна
магистр, аға  оқытушы
Таджиханова Камила Ибрагимқызы
Жуманова Раушан Есенбековна
магистр, оқытушы
Сарсенбаев Нұрбол Дүисенұлы
магистр, оқытушы
Джанабаев Даурен Жумагалиевич  
PhD, аға оқытушы
Жуматов Сайлаубай Сагимбаевич

Department news

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