Digital Technology Department

Shyngys Usenov Koblanuly
Supervisor Department
of Digital Technologies
Supervisor Department
of Digital Technologies

Zhappar Altynbek Mukhtarbekuly

The main goal of the Department of Digital Technologies is the development of digital technologies, information support and technical support for the educational process at the university.
The main objectives of the department are:
- ensuring the functioning of the AIS "Platonus";
- providing access to the Internet from all devices;
- technical support for computer equipment;
- provision of an electronic document management system;
- ensuring students' access to digital services of the university;
- ensuring the functioning of the official website and the educational portal of the University Portalshu information and technical
- support for the functioning of the electronic library and the Irbis automated system;
- ensuring the functioning of the intra-university network and corporate mail;
- providing technical support for all online learning platforms;
- development and renewal of digital services;
The main objectives of the department are:
- ensuring the functioning of the AIS "Platonus";
- providing access to the Internet from all devices;
- technical support for computer equipment;
- provision of an electronic document management system;
- ensuring students' access to digital services of the university;
- ensuring the functioning of the official website and the educational portal of the University Portalshu information and technical
- support for the functioning of the electronic library and the Irbis automated system;
- ensuring the functioning of the intra-university network and corporate mail;
- providing technical support for all online learning platforms;
- development and renewal of digital services;