Research Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology


Director of the Research Institute

Biribaeva Nurbanu Zhunisovna

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

The main tasks of the Research Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology:

  • Training students in organizing and conducting scientific research;
  • creating conditions for students involved in science to work;
  • guiding students of pedagogical educational programs in their scientific work;
  • provision of necessary consultations in pedagogical and psychological areas;
  • organization of scientific round tables and conferences on scientific problems;
  • organization of publishing work in the media in the areas of advertising, glorification and propaganda based on research results;
  • participation in the review of scientific projects, dissertations, legislation.

 Regulatory documents
     Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Education"
     Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Science"
     State compulsory education standards for all levels of education
     Qualification requirements for licensing educational activities and a list of documents confirming compliance with them

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