Bachelor's degree

Shymkent University accepts applicants for the 2024-2025 academic year for full-time and short-term study on a paid basis.
Level of higher education aimed at training personnel with the award of a bachelor's degree   

1.Bachelor's educational programs 
6B01101- Pedagogy and psychology
6B01301-Pedagogy and methods of primary education
6В01401-Physical culture and sports
6В01402-Music education
6B01403-Fine arts and drawing
6В01404-Vocational training
6В01701-Kazakh language and literature
6В01702-Kazakh language and literature in schools with non-Kazakh language of instruction
6В01703-Russian language and literature
6В01704-Foreign language: two foreign languages
6В04102-Accounting and audit
6В04104-State and local government
6В06101-Computer technology and software

  2. Admission rules  
  3.Important dates and list of documents The work of university admissions committees has begun in Kazakhstan. Applications to universities for the 2024-2025 academic year are accepted from June 20 to August 25. Applications for participation in the educational grants competition will be accepted on July 13-20, Kazinform reports with reference to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.To be admitted to study at domestic universities, applicants must provide the following documents:

- identification,

- UNT certificate, photo size 3x4,

- certificate of secondary education (diploma for graduates of technical and vocational education organizations),

- medical certificate in form No. 075/u,

- registration certificate from the military registration and enlistment office for young men.

It is worth noting that enrollment in the fields of education “Pedagogical Sciences” and “Healthcare” is carried out taking into account the results of a special exam. This exam is held at universities from June 20 to August 20.

Universities accept applications for participation in creative exams from June 20 to July 7, the exams themselves will be held from July 8 to 15.

  1. Benefits and discounts-rector's grant (from 50% to 100%)


     6.Military department

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