
Seitkulov Nurlibek Akynuly
Rector of Shymkent University
Doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor
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Date of birth: May 17, 1975.
Place of birth: p. Pervomaia, Tolebi district, South Kazakhstan region
Citizenship: citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Family status: married, 3 children


Higher education: Kazakh-Turkish University. HA. Yasavi in ​​the city of Turkestan
Duration: 1992-1996 (full-time)
Program: History

Higher education: Kazakh-Turkish University. HA. Yasavi in ​​the city of Turkestan
Duration: 2003-2005 (correspondence course)
Program: State Local Government

Master's Degree in Hacettepe University
Location: Ankara
Duration: 1996-1998 (full-time)
Program: Sociology

PҺ. Doctoral degree from Hacettepe University
Location: Ankara
Duration: 1998-2003 (full-time)
Program: Sociology


1998 - Master of Sociology
2003 - Ph.D. in Sociology
2006 - candidate of sociological sciences
2008 - Associate Professor of Sociological Sciences
2011 - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences
2011 - professor of pedagogical sciences


2003-2006. - Assistant to the President of the IGTU, Yasavi, Turkestan
2006-2007. - Deputy Director of the Institute of Natural Sciences and Sports of the MKTU them. Yasavi, Turkestan
2007-2010. -Dekan of the Law Faculty of the IGASU, Yasavi, Turkestan
2010-2012. -Director of MKTU Taraz Institute (branch), Taraz city
2012 - 2017 - Vice-rector for science of Suleiman Demirel University, Almaty
17.07.2017. - Rector of Shymkent University

Teaching aids and guidelines, scientific articles, more than 50 publications

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