Department for Ensuring the Academic Quality of Educational Programs

The main tasks of the Department of Academic Quality Assurance and Development are:

- monitoring of the implementation of the University's EP;

- development of internal regulatory documentation for the formation and approval of educational programs;

- planning and coordination of educational-methodical work in implementation of educational programs of the University in accordance with the state license to conduct educational activities, SCES of the RK and approved by a rector of the University internal documents;

- providing methodological assistance to departments in the development of educational programs in accordance with professional standards and proposals of employers, organization of seminars, conferences;

- monitoring the compliance of educational programs entered in the register of educational programs of the authorized body in the field of education, SES and developed according to the National Qualifications Framework and the Sectoral Qualifications Framework in the field of education;

- providing informational report about implementation of the EP MES;

- analysis of the quality of educational process planning and compliance with regulatory requirements;

- improving the educational process and enhancing the quality of educational activities;

- providing methodological assistance in organizing the activities of Academic Councils in the areas of personnel training.

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